Protect your buildings and contents with the right policies


Buildings Insurance

Buildings insurance could be your saving grace should the unexpected happen to your home. It offers protection from costly repairs or rebuilding expenses if damage occurs due to a fire, flood, storm and any other covered events.

Not only that but it can also pay for fittings like bathrooms and kitchens as well as connected outside structures such as fences, garages and pipes!

what's in it for you?

Owning a home is an exciting investment, but it can also bring unforeseen risks. From the harsh elements of nature such as floods and fires to small damages like burst pipes or accidental destruction - buildings insurance covers you in all these situations.

Not only that, some policies provide coverage for gardens and patios, swimming pools and even temporary living arrangements if needed while repairs are being made on your abode! It's essential to check exactly what’s included with your policy- you may want more protection than just basic cover so don't forget extras might be available too.

Mortgage lenders typically mandate adequate building insurance during the term of their loan since ownership exchange when legal responsibility begins; take note that this must usually been done before contract day arrives

Regardless of whether you own or rent your home, protecting yourself from costly repairs is essential. If there’s no mortgage on the property, buildings insurance may not be a legal requirement but could save time and money in the long run; for renters it's usually their landlord who takes out this cover to protect against structural damage.

Additionally, contents insurance should always be taken into consideration by tenants so that they can safeguard their possessions too!

This article (Buildings Insurance) is intended to provide a general appreciation of the topic and it is not advice. For more information please email and we will be happy to assist you.

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