Working with you

Helping you put your plans into action.

Getting to know you

When you get in touch with us, we will want to learn more about you, your circumstances and your overall financial position. We’ll also want to hear your thoughts on what you believe is right for you, before walking you through the pros and cons of each option.

What we must tell you

When you first speak to us, we have to tell you what our charges are and how they are to be paid. We also have to say if there are any limits to the range of products.

Researching the options

Using our expert knowledge, we will find the most suitable solutions for your needs.Recommending the right solution

Once we have identified the options available, we’ll meet with you again or discuss our recommendations over the phone. We’ll also write to you so you can review what we have suggested, and why.

Assuming you’re happy with our recommendations, we’ll assist every step of the way.

We have the knowledge, experience and expertise to accurately assess your financial circumstances. Only after we have gained a full understanding of your current financial needs and plans for the future, will we provide recommendations regarding the financial products and services that we believe will be right for your particular circumstances. Whether that’s finding a suitable mortgage, protecting those closest to you, investing your money for a particular event, or deciding on the right way to take your pension, we’re here to guide you.

We’ll invest time in building a strong relationship with you, paying careful attention to your changing needs and circumstances. We can help you plan for your future more effectively, assisting you in making appropriate financial decisions at key stages in your life.


The value of investments and any income from them can fall as well as rise and you may not get back the original amount invested.